Nailed it: Matte Cobalt Blue.


Not even in summer time yet still, cobalt blue doesn’t seem to have faded its colour as this darkest blue is still rocking in full swing right from dresses to jumpsuits and from silky blazer to high-heeled stilettos even now and hence, with that as an inspiration, this time I opted for a much interesting combination of cobalt blue nail candies that too in matte format. Moreover, it fits quintessentially into the larger frame set of smaller to longer nails and also, this eye-catching colour and the winter-frosty top matte coat works exemplarily well for any kind of chic and ultra-urban retro look.

Matte Cobalt Blue Nail candies in a nut shell:

  • Colour resembles more like dark inky blue hue
  • Gives a perfect and well-tidied frosted look
  • Looks similar to a pearly finish
  • Ideal to wear for this autumn season
  • In-line with the latest trend set

How to get an Insta-friendly manicure?

  • Be patient while making nail paint application onto your nails so as to get a neat and tidied look.
  • Brighten up the image using smart photo editing softwares like photoshop.
  • Make your background as light and airy as possible.
  • Get a matching object that supports your subject colour.
  • Closer is always better” and hence, always make a closer shot to reciprocate a well-precised look.


  1. Start the procedure with the nicely washed, cleaned and moisturised nails.
  2. Now, apply a thin layer of your desired base coat onto your nails.
  3. Then, just apply one coat of Barry M indigo nail paint onto your nails.
  4. After that, apply single coat of Barry M matte top coat onto your nails.
  5. Lastly, take off any excess bit by running a cotton bud that is previously soaked with the nail polish remover onto the outer perimeter of your nails.
  6. Finally, your nails are ready to show off.

I hope you had a fabulous time in reading this post and furthermore, if you are interested to hear any of my other latest nail stories, then you could always pop into the section that is right in here, here and here.

In further, I would always most welcome your valuable thoughts and views into the comment section that is right below.

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24 thoughts on “Nailed it: Matte Cobalt Blue.

      1. I agree! I change my polish every other day pretty much haha. However, I just did a post on the polish I recently wore ‘Plum Seduction’ by Avon. If you want, you can check it out!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for following! Can’t wait for you to see more- I’ve been following you for a while now, and always love your posts!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much and certainly, they are bound to look like an unique shade when you add matte top coat to it and I love the fact that they instantly brings in a new perspective of the nail shade


    1. Barry M matte top coat is really good and it lasts long too but the only thing you need to be careful is that while wiping off the excess bits around the perimeter of your nails with the nail polish remover, you make sure not to touch the matte top coat otherwise, it is good


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